
Takoyaki Recipes Simple


Takoyaki is derived from the Japanese food that is also very popular in Indonesia. Its texture is soft and dry, more comfortable equipped with mayonnaise and takoyaki sauce. It usually contains pieces of meat takoyaki octopus.

Here's a simple recipe homemade takoyaki and lawful for you who want to try making your own takoyaki at home.

250 gr flour proteins are being
1 tsp sugar
80 g margarine, melted
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ tbsp instant yeast
2 eggs
250 ml milk
½ tsp salt
2 pcs sausage, diced small
50 ounces cheddar cheese, cut into small dice
mayonnaise and nori to taste

1. Combine flour and baking powder and sieve. Set aside
2. Put instant yeast and sugar
3. Put the milk and eggs in a separate container. Stir until blended
4. Make a hole in the middle of the flour earlier, input mixture of egg and milk little by little.
Stir until blended and smooth then strain
5. Pour liquid margarine and salt. Stir until blended. Rest for 15 min
6. Heat the takoyaki mold or mold can also wear poffertjes
7. Pour the batter into the mold half full, put the sausage and cheese stuffing. Pour the mixture back up to 8. Fully while playing that round shape
9. Cook over medium heat until cooked using. Lift
10. Add mayonnaise and nori on top Dab
takoyaki Serve while warm

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