
Drinks Recipes - Wedang Uwuh

wedang uwuh image Resep Minuman   Wedang Uwuh

Material Wedang Uwuh:
  • 700 ml of water
  • 40 g of dry wood shavings cup
  • 50 g sugar cubes / sugar
  • 6 cm ginger, crushed
  • 2 pieces of cinnamon leaf dry
  • 3 pieces of dried leaf clovers
  • 3 pieces of dried leaves nutmeg
  • 10 grains of cloves / clove stem dry
How to Make Wedang Uwuh:
  1. Fuel ginger, crushed.
  2. Pour water in a saucepan. Enter ginger, cloves / clove stem, clove leaf, cinnamon leaf, nutmeg leaves, wood shavings cup, ginger, and sugar cubes.
  3. Cook over medium heat until boiling.
  4. Boil for approximately 15 minutes.
  5. Remove and strain (can also be served without screening).
  6. Pour into a glass. Serve warm.
  • Bright red color of the water that formed from water steeping cup. The smell of cinnamon appear. Warm-spicy flavor of ginger and foliage formed other spices.
  • Drink herbal spice made ​​from nutritious ingredients to keep warm, eliminating colds, mild cough, and throat.For cigarette addicts who wanted to quit smoking, these drinks may help stop your cigarette.

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