
Super Simple Chicken Kabobs

Super Simple Chicken Kabobs

A sample and easy grilling recipes.


  1. 2 chicken breast
  2. 1 red bell pepper
  3. 1 green bell pepper
  4. 1 red onion
  5. ***marinade***
  6. 1 cup Italian salad dressing (vinegar oil based)
  7. 2 tbsp red wine (optional) 


  1. Cut chicken into bite-size pieces. Marinade for about 15 to 20 minutes (no more than 30 min).
  2. Diced vegetables into good sized chunks.
  3. Put vegetables and chicken onto wooden skewers. (soak wooden skewers in water for several hours or overnight)
  4. Set up your grill for Direct Heat. Fold a heavy duty piece of aluminum foil in half to make a grill shield.
  5. Before grilling coat with a thin layer of vegetable oil. (a spray nonstick oil will work as well)
  6. Grill 5 minutes or so on the first side. Rotate on the grill as needed to avoid the hot spots.
  7. Flip chicken kabobs over and continue to cook for an additional 4 or 5 minutes.

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