

Ongol-Ongol is A Indonesian sweet food.


3 oz Corn starch
6 oz Goela Djawa ( Palm Sugar )
1/2 a Vanilla stick or Vanilla essence
2 Cups of water
pinch of Salt
6 oz grated fresh Coconut
Food colouring (optional)

Use several of the cold water to generate a thin paste while using corn starch. Add the sugar, vanilla and salt for the water and boil until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and stir within the corn-starch mix. Return towards the stove and simmer for the further 3 minutes. Remove the vanilla stick and pour mixture within a tray in order for the liquid is approximately 3/4 inch deep. Leave for cooling and cut directly into 3/4 inch square cubes. Grate coconut flesh and put in a pinch of salt. Roll cubes over the coconut and serve

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