
Pepes Shrimp Recipe

spiced shrimp 329x400 Pepes Shrimp Recipe

Who does not know the cuisine spiced shrimp? In addition to delicious and easy to make, shrimps have a high nutritional value so much rage. Delicious served with rice as a hearty lunch. Here is the recipe spiced shrimp and how to make that are not too difficult.

Pepes Udang Ingredients:

1/2 kg wet shrimp, remove the skin, puree
4 pieces of red chili
Half of young coconut, grated, mashed
5 spring onions
2 cloves of garlic
2 eggs
salt, tamarind, seasonings and banana leaves to taste

How to Make Shrimp Pepes:

Puree all ingredients, then mix all the ingredients and give water to tamarind and egg, stir.
Put 3 tablespoons of batter on the leaves, then wrap and pin with a stick. steamed until cooked.
To be more savory, baked briefly and serve.

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