
Bolu Roll Recipe For Beginners

Roll Blolu 400x294 Bolu Roll Recipe For Beginners
Making rolls tricky, especially for beginners. If not careful, rolls would be cracked or broken when rolled. There are also rolls the 'drag' freely when ingested.

In order for your rolls soft and tasty, rolls recipes try this one.

4 eggs
1 tablespoon TBM
75 grams sugar
60 grams flour
1 tbsp milk powder
80 g margarine, melted
buttercream or jam to taste

How to Make:
1. Beat eggs, sugar and TBM until thickened and fluffy.
2. Add the flour and milk powder, mix well.
3. Pour margarine that has been melted, stir again until all ingredients are well blended.
4. Prepare a baking sheet measuring 24 x 24 x 2 cm that has been smeared with margarine and baking paper.
5. Pour the batter into the pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius until cooked.
6. Remove the cake from the mold. Turn and open the paper.
7. Rub the affected part of the paper with buttercream or fruit butter until blended.
8. Roll up the cake with the help of paper or a clean cloth.
9. Let the cake in rolls about 30 minutes or until cool.
10. Open a cloth or paper rolls, sliced ​​rolls according to taste.

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