
Oyster Mushroom Recipes Abon

Oyster Mushroom Recipes IMG0284A Abon
Shredded oyster mushroom is not as popular shredded beef in the market most, so that the oyster mushroom floss makers are still rare.

Shredded oyster mushrooms certainly has a distinctive flavor when compared with other types of floss, as you can imagine for yourself if only fried oyster mushrooms just feels like it's been meat, especially if the oyster mushroom processed into higher-quality food will certainly taste more delicious. No need to dwell width again to all of you who want to try to make yourself the following shredded oyster mushroom is one of the recipes and how to make the mince.

- 1 kg of oyster mushrooms
- Cooking oil 500ml
- Bay leaves 2 sheets
- 1 cm galangal, crushed
- 100-250 ml coconut milk
- to taste Water

- 5 cloves of Garlic
- Onion 7 grains
- 1 tsp Coriander
- secukunya salt
- 2 tsp sugar

How to make:
1. Boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, Remove and drain.
2. Shredded-shredded. Thinly sliced ​​mushrooms. Set aside.
3. Heat 2 tbsp minnyak, saute ground spices, bay leaves and galangal until fragrant.
4. Enter the mushrooms, and cook while stirring until blended.
5. Pour coconut milk, cook over low heat while stirring occasionally until dry. Lift.
6. Heat oil and fry until golden brown. Lift and press / squeeze to remove the oil. Chill. Serve. Tips : To get shredded with fine fiber, milled with a grinder shredded after a really cold.

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